
a short film by Natacha Bianchet
09:00 | Experimental / Narrative/Fiction | Colour | September 2024

“Catch of the Day: She Was Hooked, But Her Fishy Obsession Went Overboard!”

A short film exploring female sexuality through a young fish plant worker who becomes obsessed with a famous local fisherman revealing to the audience her delusional and addictive thoughts to his unfortunate demise.


Razor Ruckus
a short film by APPI
6:40 | Animation | Colour, B&W | May 2024

“Woman versus Razor, who will win?”

It’s 10pm and Gorbe arrives home from a long, EXHAUSTING day of work. She hears a buzzing noise. It’s an electric razor, left to charge on the counter of the washroom. But, the razor won’t turn off and the buzzin sound seems to be getting louder…


Want to distribute your film through us? Submit your film here >> Distribution – Film Submission Form (jotform.ca)


Want more information on the distribution process? Please email distribution@winnipegfilmgroup.com.