Give the gift of great cinema this holiday season. We have some great items for a steal of the price! Great for gifts or just for yourself!
- Cinematheque 10 Show Pass (Regular $60, on sale for $50! This pass is good for 10 shows, that’s only $5 for each film!)
- The Student 10 Show Pass (great gift for students! only $25!)
- Unlimited Annual Cinematheque Pass (Regular $125, on sale for only $99 and good for regular screenings all year-round!)
- Dave Barber T-shirt (Dave shirts are back and available in 3 colours! Regular $30, on sale for $25!)
- Dave Coffee Mug (Dave’s mug on a mug! Regular $12, on sale for $8!)
- Cinematheque Toques (Keep your bean warm! Regular $25, on sale for $15!)
- Project Yourself T-shirt (On sale for only $20!)
- Obey Cinematheque T-shirt (On sale for only $15!)
- Cream of the Crap T-shirt (Show your love for VHS – only $15!)
And don’t miss our VIRTUAL POSTER SALE on Sunday December 12th at 6pm!
Holiday sales on now until December 31! Happy (and easy) shopping!