The Bechdel Test is an assessment tool for movies, based on the following three simple questions:
- Does the movie have at least two women in it?
- Do these women talk to each other?
- Do these women talk to each other about something other than a man?
Recently, the Provincial Council of Women of Manitoba hosted a “Beyond Bechdel” panel discussion on the participation and representation of women in the film industry.
Featured in this panel were WFG Executive Director, filmmaker Cecilia Araneda, WFG member Sonya Ballantyne, WFG Honourary Member Shereen Jerrett and WFG founder Elise Swerhone. This panel was facilitated by past WFG Executive Director and current WFG honourary member Merit Jensen Carr.
In advance of this panel, Sonya Ballantyne spoke to the CBC about the need for more room for diverse women in the film industry.
The Winnipeg Film Group is proud of this distinguished group of filmmakers and leaders in the sector.