
The Winnipeg Film Group is happy to share James McLellan’s win for the Manitoba Film & Music Audience Choice Manitoba Short Film Award for his film Period Piece. Excellent audience…excellent film! To check out the film click here.

Additionally, we have to say the Manitoba Shorts Program was especially strong featuring these WFG films: A La Commode by Rory Fallis; Echoes by Jaimz Asmundson; Loss of Contact by Brad Crawford & BJ Verot; Period Piece by James McLellan; SQUARE by Michelle Elrick; and Walter by Curtis L. Wiebe.

It was a great festival and a fun weekend!

For more info on the films in our collection please contact:
Niki Little, WFG Distribution Coordinator
niki@winnipegfilmgroup.com, 204-925-3456 x 105