
The Winnipeg Film Group’s Black Lodge Studio is for the priority use of independent film production. From time to time however, we can accommodate General Members who have purchased the Production Add-on for other film related activities such as auditions, rehearsals, and workshops.

Black Lodge Studio bookings for film screenings must fill out the following form for consideration and approval, as. per our rentals policy. We reserve the right to refuse any request.

To book or for more information, fill out the Black Lodge Studio Rental for Film Screening Inquiry form below:

Black Lodge Studio Rental for Film Screening Inquiry

Black Lodge Studio Screening Inquiry Form
Public or Private Event?
Will you be charging admission?
Do you want concessions available for purchase?
Have you acquired the rights or necessary permissions to screen the film(s)?
Are you able to provide the content at least a week in advance?
Are you able to provide your own tech person?