- 2015 Members Screening: Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 5 PM
- 2015 Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 22nd at 4 PM
- Follow the Online Submission form for the application.
The Winnipeg Film Group is curating a Members’ Screening at the Cinematheque on November 28. 2015. No entry fees. Screening fees will be given to the artists of the curated films. We will need all submission by October 21st, 2015
Our annual screening is designed to celebrate and recognize the current works of select members. A peer based jury will select films based on quality, length and thematic links. The Winnipeg Film Group pays artist and curator fees in accordance with the recognized rate schedules (IMAA, CARFAC etc).
1. You must be a member in good standing with the Film Group.
2. You must be the director or creator of the submitted production.
3. Your film should be no longer than 20 minutes.
4. The submitted film will need to have been completed after 2013.
5. The final product must be delivered either on 16mm film print or a media file.
For more details please email Mark Borowski at mark@winnipegfilmgroup.com.
HOLIDAY PARTY will follow the screening and all are invited.