A Resource Guide for High School Educators
Published by Winnipeg Film Group
Written by Kevin Nikkel, Edited by Monica Lowe
ISBN 978-1-926665-04-7
80 pages, Full Colour, includes DVD
Finding Focus is a resource guide designed to help High School educators utilize the wealth of creative short films made by talented independent filmmakers in Manitoba and across Canada that focus on Métis and First Nations issues and subject matters. It is our hope that this book and these films, which are about diverse subject matters and are made in a wide range of genres and styles, will assist both teachers and students.
In addition we hope that teachers will be motivated to use the visual medium of film in more of their lessons and that students may be inspired to make their own films in order to express their thoughts and share their message with others.
This book features 15 chapters, each focusing on a short film 30 minutes or less, dealing with Métis and First Nations issues. Topics for discussion are included in Before Viewing, During Viewing and After Viewing sections with a focus on established Curriculum Connections.
The films touch on a variety of subjects including:
- Métis and First Nations identity
- the environment
- Indigenous representation in popular culture
- adoption and the Sixties Scoop
- the legacy of the residential school system
We recommend the films and resources to be used with the following high school courses:
- English Language Arts: Grade 10-12
- Social Studies: Grade 12, Current Topics in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies
- Social Studies: Grade 11, History of Canada
- Aboriginal Education: Grade 10-12, Aboriginal Languages and Cultures
- Social Studies: Grade 12, Cinema as a Witness to Modern History
Enclosed with the guide is a DVD containing all 15 films, over 2.5 hours of material!
- MÉMÉRE MÉTISSE by Janelle Wookey
- MESKANAHK (MY PATH) by Kevin Lee Burton
- I’M MÉTIS by L. Christian Goulet
- CHOIR BOY LUCKY by Ruth DeGraves
- TWO SCOOPS by Jackie Traverse
- EMPTY by Jackie Traverse
- THICKET PORTAGE by Gregory Zbitnew
(22 min excerpt from MUSKEG SPECIAL) - ALICE AND KEVIN by Sam Vint
- TASHINA by Caroline Monnet
- OVERBURDEN by Warren Cariou & Neil McArthur
- A GOOD INDIAN by Andrew George
- INDIAN by Darryl Nepinak
- 504938C by Ervin Chartrand
- IKWÉ by Caroline Monnet
All images and maps in the book are available to download here!
Purchase the book & DVD online now!
1-4 books = $6 per book
5 or more books = free shipping! (please contact us directly for the discount)
To order via phone or PO or for more information on this resource guide please contact
Monica Lowe, Distribution Director:
Phone: 204-925-3456 x 103
Fax: 204-942-6799
Correction: On page 46 the language in Alice and Kevin is Oji-Cree, not Cree. Our sincere apologies for the error.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $157 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 157 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.