I wanted to let the Winnipeg Film Group community know that Ivan Hughes, the Production Centre Director, will be leaving the organization on Friday, February 7, to further pursue his filmmaking practice.
Ivan’s tenure has seen significant development, guiding an important transition to strengthening the overall digital capacity within our Production Centre. The development of our digital classroom, in particular, has been a refreshing sight, enabling us to formally retire the antique MacPro we purchased from Sean Garrity in 2002, which he’d used to edit his first feature film, Inertia.
For those of you who remember what the 3rd floor facility was like just a few years ago, I’m sure you will agree that we’ve undergone a significant and needed upgrade to the facility, and a significant part of the success of this upgrade plan has been due to Ivan’s efforts.
If you have not been by to the Production Centre lately, I encourage you to drop by over the next couple of weeks to say goodbye to Ivan.
On a related note, the Winnipeg Film Group currently has an opening for the position of Production Centre Director.
Cecilia Araneda
Winnipeg Film Group
Winnipeg Cinematheque